Kidz Chocolate Milkshake

This milkshake isn't full of syrups or refined sugars but definitely doesn't compromise on taste!

Are you terrified to teach your kids hollow nutrition? As a parent, it might be something we could be unconsciously doing and not realise til years later on. Nutrition, at its finest and simplest, should be all about seamlessly fitting into your own lifestyle. Something we're big on is teaching our kids from an early age that nutrition can easily be found in all different meals, and in this case - even their after school snacks.

All you'll need for this recipe is four ingredients, which is perfect for that hungry little human hanging out in the kitchen! First up is our Morlife Clever Kidz which will be contributing to the scrumptious taste but also, the brain boosting nutrition inside! Clever Kidz mastermind formula helps introduce Zinc, Iron, B vitamins and Omega 3 DHA in this treat without kids even batting an eyelid.

Clever Kidz.PNG

Serves 1


  • 1 serve (2 tsp) Morlife Clever Kidz powder

  • 3 tsp cacao powder

  • 1 1/2 cups milk (we used cow's milk but you can choose plant based milk too)

  • Half banana, frozen


  1. Place all of the ingredients in your blender. Blend until combined and smooth.

  2. Enjoy immediately.


Meanie Greenie Kidz Smoothie


Alkalising Greens "Pina Colada" Bowl